DCP presents 'Dorothy Meets Alice' Dutch Country Players of Telford, PA presents its first family show of the 2013 season with...
DCP presents 'It’s a Wonderful Life – 'A Live Radio Play' in December This December, 'It’s a Wonderful Life – A Live Radio Play' by Joe Landry and directed by Cathy...
DCP presents 'Never Too Late' in June in Telford DCP Theatre presents, 'Never Too Late', a comedy by Sumner Arthur Long.‹Harry Lambert is a lumber...
DCP presents 'Never Too Late' in June in Telford DCP Theatre presents, 'Never Too Late', a comedy by Sumner Arthur Long.‹Harry Lambert is a lumber...
DCP presents 'Oliver' in July DCP Theatre proudly presents "Oliver!", Lionel Barts musical adaptation of Charles Dickens's...
DCP presents 'Oliver' in July DCP Theatre proudly presents "Oliver!", Lionel Barts musical adaptation of Charles Dickens's...
DCP presents 'The Kitchen Witches' February 1-16 DCP Theatre Presents "The Kitchen Witches" by Caroline Smith, directed by Emma Beckers.Dolly’s cooking...
DCP presents 'The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance' DCP in Telford will present the drama 'The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance', a play written byJethro...
DCP presents 'The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance' DCP in Telford will present the drama 'The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance', a play written byJethro...