The Crowded Kitchen PlayÂers (CKP)‰“‰the Lehigh Valleys preÂmier comÂedy theÂater troupe‰“‰is holdÂing a "DecemÂber HolÂiÂday" Full-Length PlayÂwritÂing ComÂpeÂtiÂtion!
The Crowded Kitchen PlayÂers (CKP) will proÂduce TWO winÂning full-length plays in DecemÂber 2015.
Both plays will be preÂsented over three weekÂends‰“‰one play on FriÂday, the other on SatÂurÂday and both on SunÂday.
Each winÂning playÂwright will receive $100 proÂducÂtion licensÂing fee for the run of the show.
Each will also receive free admisÂsion to all perÂforÂmances of their show for themÂselves and a guest.
The comÂpeÂtiÂtion is open to any playÂwright eighÂteen (18) or older.
PlayÂwrights may subÂmit only one play for conÂsidÂerÂaÂtion.
Plays must be origÂiÂnal, unpubÂlished works writÂten by the author(s).
We are not seekÂing adapÂtaÂtions or transÂlaÂtions.
All plays must be cenÂtered around the DecemÂber "holÂiÂdays" (ChristÂmas, Hanukkah, KwanÂzaa, New Years Eve, etc.) Plays do not need to be about a speÂcific holÂiÂday (these do not need to be a "story of ChristÂmas" play) but the play should be set durÂing a holÂiÂday and the holÂiÂday should be refÂerÂenced in the piece at some point.
More than one holÂiÂday may be incorÂpoÂrated but please limit them to holÂiÂdays which fall in DecemÂber as the shows will be proÂduced in DecemÂber.
Plays will be accepted now through midÂnight on June 30th.
For detailed information on the competition, please visit their website