'The Bartender Chronicles', an original comedy by Brian McDermott, will be presented by Crowded Kitchen Players through the month of June 2015 at The IceHouse in Bethlehem.
Performances are scheduled June 12 through June 28.
'The Bartender Chronicles' is simply a re-creation of one day in the life of a bartender and the twelve couples and stray singles who happen upon his establishment to drink together, to dine, and to act out their individual stories.
Each table has its own personal story that, in the intimacy of a pub, quickly finds itself spilling over onto every other table.
One couple is ostentatiously rich, another lovingly poor. One table features a woman trying to talk a male friend into sleeping with her husband. At another table, one sister accuses another sister of identity theft. At still another, two folks on a blind date struggle to find common ground. One couple struggles mightily with the pronunciation of menu items. And so forth, into the night.
"The Bartender Chronicles' is an engaging and thoughtful comedy produced by The Crowded Kitchen Players as part of their ongoing commitment to original works by local artists.
The play will be the fifth previously unproduced show presented by CKP in the past two seasons.
'The Bartender Chronicles' is the 62nd production by Crowded Kitchen Players since 2000, and its third production of a play by McDermott. It marks the fourth show by CKP in the Lehigh Valley since returning from seven years in Bucks County in Fall of 2014.
The veteran ensemble cast includes Patti Squire, Susan Burnett, Becki Wenhold, Lauri Beth Rogers, Jeanie Olah, Pamela Wallace, John Cusumano, Nick Nelson, Brian Wendt, Thomas Rush, Greg Rogers, Brian McDermott, Alexandra Racines, and Steven Rosenblum.
The play is set in the murky present in resort pub/restaurant in Lake George Village, in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains, upstate New York
Show dates and times are June 12, 13, 19, 20, 26 at 8 PM, and June 14, 21, 28 at 2 PM.
There will not be a performance JUNE 27.
The Charles Brown IceHouse is located on Sand Island, behind The Wooden Match Restaurant, 56 River Street, Bethlehem, PA.
Tickets are $18, $14 Seniors, and $8 Students.
Tickets may be obtained by visiting www.ckplayers.com, by calling 610-395-7176or by purchasing at the door within one hour of show time.For more information: Please contact