Stage drama and family drama collide in "Moon Over Buffalo" this month at the Shawnee Playhouse.
The play was written by Ken Ludwig and first performed on Broadway in 1995 with Carol Burnett and Philip Bosco as Charlotte and George Hay, a married couple performing "Cyrano de Bergerac" and "Private Lives" in a repertory theater in Buffalo, New York. While in Buffalo, they also face a family crisis and a shot at Hollywood fame.
"There's pratfalls, lots of slamming doors, and backstage shenanigans!" promises Maryjane Baer, who plays Charlotte.
Roy Wilbur plays George, and the cast also includes Elizabeth McDonald, Abigail Witt, Max Kubiak, Colleen Popper, Joseph Grahek, and John Bradley. The play is directed by Colette Boudreaux.The production has four upcoming performances on Oct. 9-10 and 16-17. Shows are at 8 p.m. on Saturdays and 2 p.m. on Sundays.
Go to for tickets to "Moon Over Buffalo" or other upcoming shows.
© Photo provided Roy Wilbur and Maryjane Baer play George and Charlotte Hay in the Shawnee Playhouse's October 2021 production of "Moon Over Buffalo."