"Sweeney Todd" opens at The Pennsylvania Playhouse Oct. 6 Join The Pennsylvania Playhouse at the crossroads of love, loss, and revenge when the deliciously thrilling...
"The 1940's Radio Hour" at Pa Playhouse Pennsylvania Playhouse Auditions:Ever wanted to sing with a big band' Here's your chance! Audition for...
"The Diary of Anne Frank" - a play everyone should experience Hearing so much vitriol spewing from today’s political arenas it is perhaps fitting for the...
"The Honky Tonk Angels" at The Pines Dinner Theatre Pines Dinner Theatre presents “The Honky Tonk Angels”, which will run September 9th through...
"THE LION IN WINTER" ROARS INTO THE PENNSYLVANIA PLAYHOUSE! It's Christmas 1183, and King Henry II is planning to announce his successor to the throne. The...
"THE LION IN WINTER" ROARS INTO THE PENNSYLVANIA PLAYHOUSE! It's Christmas 1183, and King Henry II is planning to announce his successor to the throne. The...
"The Nightingale" delightfully blends Bach with puppets The world premiere of "The Nightingale" Sunday at Zoellner Arts Center in Bethlehem, seemlessly...
"The Plan 9 Experience: LIVE" Halloween show October 29 & 30 at the Country Gate Playhouse Country Gate Players celebrates Halloween weekend, with its original-concept production "The Plan 9...
"The Plan 9 Experience: LIVE" Halloween show October 29 & 30 at the Country Gate Playhouse Country Gate Players celebrates Halloween weekend, with its original-concept production "The Plan 9...
"The Plan 9 Experience: LIVE" Halloween show October 29 & 30 at the Country Gate Playhouse Country Gate Players celebrates Halloween weekend, with its original-concept production "The Plan 9...