Touchstone presents Allentown Public Theatre in Sam Shepard classic Bethlehem, PA “ As part of their "Spotlight on the Valley" series, Touchstone Theatre presents...
Touchstone presents Happenstance Theater in their original show BrouHaHa Bethlehem, PA - Touchstone Theatre kicks off 2018 with award-winning guest company Happenstance...
Touchstone presents Independent Eye's adaptation of King Lear BETHLEHEM, PA – Touchstone Theatre presents longtime friends, collaborators, and fellow ensemble...
Touchstone Presents New Episode of 'The Pan Show' Just in time for the election season, Touchstone Theatrepresents the next episode in the œPan...
Touchstone presents new work: The Complete and Authoritative Tour of Holy Stuff BETHLEHEM, PA – Touchstone Theatre presents a new one-woman show by Ensemble Member Emma Ackerman,...
Touchstone Presents Sensory-Friendly Performance of Children's Show DaPooch Bethlehem, PA – Touchstone Theatre presents a sensory-friendly theatrical performance of DaPooch,...
Touchstone releases its 2016-2017 Calendar Touchstone Theatre has released it 2016-2017 calendar of events and productions:Crazy GlueDate:...
Touchstone Theatre Announces Auditions for Festival UnBound BETHLEHEM, PA - Touchstone Theatre will hold auditions for select performances in its upcoming...
Touchstone Theatre announces Christmas City Follies XXII BETHLEHEM, PA - Touchstone Theatre announces Christmas City Follies XXII, the theatre's annual...
Touchstone Theatre fulfills matching challenge grant Bethlehem, PA – The South Side's Touchstone Theatre celebrates the coming of their 35th...