Dogcatcher Episode Two: Fascinating exploration of small town racism moves forward, from CKP In the second episode of "Dogcatcher," an original play being presented by Crowded Kitchen Players...
DOGCATCHER, the play, available on-demand: Exploring the insidiousness of racism in America The undercurrents of small town racism bubble to the surface in "Dogcatcher," a compelling...
Don't miss CKP's 'November' this October at The IceHouse Tonight Crowded Kitchen Players opens David Mamet's searing political satire "November" on Oct. 7th at the...
Don't miss Touchstone Theatre's quietly breathtaking new play, "Rent Asunder, A Story of Tahirih". At its rare best, theater is a handshake contract between total strangers--- a guest and a host--- who...
Don't ruminate, speculate, or hesitate---- get your tickets to 'Crazy for You' One solid tap dancer can rival the rat-a-tap-tap hammering of the speediest woodpecker.Assemble a platoon of good...
Don't wait, see 'Wait Until Dark' at DCP Are you afraid of the dark' Wait Until Dark, presented by DCP Theatre, does an excellent job of...
Donna Mosley Productions seeks actors Donna Mosley Productions is seeking actors, to perform in our annual collaboration of 'THE...
Doppelskope offers existential therapy session with puppets at Muhlenberg The performance duo, ˜Doppelskope ” Ora Fruchter and Muhlenberg alum Christopher Scheer '07 ”...
Doppelskope offers existential therapy session with puppets at Muhlenberg The performance duo, Doppelskope ” Ora Fruchter and Muhlenberg alum Christopher Scheer '07 ”...
Doubt an unmitated disaster Pa Playhouse continued its string of unmitigated disasters last evening when it premiered Doubt.Audiences...