Civic's "The Littel Mermaid" a giddy cartoon come to life
Civic Theatres production of "The Little Mermaid" can be described as a giddy, colorful cartoon come to life. The fun, energetic musical is at the 19th Street Theatre, 527 N. 19th St., Allentown through Oct. 22.
Big, bold performances recreate the beloved characters from the Disney film effortlessly.
The titular mermaid Ariel is played with amazingly bubbly enthusiasm by Katie Semon. Semon channels the Disney princess so well, she seems to have literally leapt out of the film on to the stage. Her big belty voice satisfies on the shows big song "Part of Your World" and she throws herself whole-heartedly into every scene.
Read more: Civic's "The Littel Mermaid" a giddy cartoon come to life